Oak Creek Fire Protection District New Impact Fees
Oak Creek, CO— 12/16/2024 — Starting January 1, 2025, Oak Creek Fire Protection District will begin charging an impact fee for both residential and nonresidential new construction. The fee will be due prior to the fire district approving any new construction building permit.
Purpose of Impact Fees
The purpose of a fire impact fee is to ensure that adequate fire protection facilities and equipment are available to serve new growth and development within the fire district; that such growth and development pay a proportionate share of the costs for those facilities and equipment.
Use of Funds Collected
The money collected from impact fees can only be used for capital expenditure. Capital expenditure is for remodeling existing facilities (i.e. fire stations), new construction (i.e. new fire stations, new equipment (i.e. fire engines). None of the funds collected may be used for any other purpose. For example, operation costs or employee compensation
Waiver of Fees
The OCFPD board of directors has established a set of conditions that would allow the waiving of the new construction impact fees. Examples of an approved waiver: employee housing, public benefit, income restricted housing, and more.
Impact Fee Schedule
New Residential Unit - $5,695
Non-residential (Per 1,000 sqft floor area) - $10,442
For More Information
If you have questions concerning OCFPD’s new impact fees please visit our website at www.oakcreekfire.org or email info@oakcreekfire.org.